Center Parcs

summer holidayWe decided to go on a family holiday. Horrah I thought as I rushed upstairs to wipe the dust of my Ambre Solaire oil and try in vain to squeeze into my kini (last worn in Corfu). I checked out where was hot and decided Canary Islands or Egypt. We would stay in a 5 star hotel and I would spend all day by the sea soaking up the sun while Carolyn would tend to the children. I had it all worked out. Sun HERE I RUDDY COME. And then my dream was shattered. Carolyn announced she had booked 4 days in Center Parcs in Longleat, with our 2 year old twins, Ruby & Vivien. We leave on Monday. Back on Friday. I gather we live in a shack in the woods under a dome with other ‘families’. And we cycle everywhere. God ruddy help me.

Follow my blog to find out exactly how our holiday went.

Misty – my crusty faithful cat


Picture this. Late last night Misty my crusty faithful cat decided to lick my eye. I rolled over, kicked off the duvet and my big toe found something wet. I disregarded this a fell back to sleep. I awoke to kids screaming. It’s 6am. I jump out of bed and notice the cat vomit on the bed. My big toe is brown. I rush to the girls room and skid on another small brown puddle of vomit. I get up and head to the girls room. Vivien is drowning in snot. Ruby is screaming. My life has become a sea of cat shit, snot, baby poo and vomit. Good morning world!!