Hello 3.30am


21st August.3.30am my alarm went off. Startled I sat bolt upright, I’d only been asleep for 4 hours. My left eye was stuck shut. I peeled it open whilst trying not to scream. The pain was intense. The house was deadly quiet. It was pitch black. The house slept. And then the deep purring from the end of my bed, closer and closer until I could smell what can only be described as the foulest of dog turd/gum diseased breaths. Misty my faithful yet crusty cat had awoken. I felt her whisker touch my nose and retched silently as the vile stench from her putrid purr caressed my nostrils and filled the room quicker than a fart in a lift. I pushed her off the bed but she clung on to the duvet and meowed in my face. Her demonic crusty eyes glinted and for a second I felt scared. My reptilian foot did the trick and she legged it downstairs. Carolyn woke from a deep sleep. I could sense she was not in the best of moods. Followed by the girls. Hurrah I thought as I applied more Nivea to my sore Brazilian and tried hard not to scratch it – we are off on holiday today. Let’s hope the journey is pain free. P l e a s e!! 

That Shrew Smells like Pooh!

Tshrewhe stench in my bedroom had gradually worsened. I flicked a pair of Carolyn’s socks onto the bed, they landed on misty my faithful yet crusty cat. She did not move. The socks were safe. The girls walked in for their story and with cupped hands over their florid faces, they ran out in tears. Our bedroom stunk. With windows wide open I pulled open drawers, slid under the bed and checked our panty drawer. Still no clue. On all fours with my nostril to the carpet I covered every inch of the floor, sniffing nuggets of shit from Misty and sneezing so loudly my lady trickle nearly became a tsunami. And then as I neared Carolyn’s side of the bed the stench heightened. With quivering nostrils and a damp gusset I moved to her pillow and to her bed side cabinet. I pulled it out and to my surprise found a dead shrew! As I turned slowly towards Misty mouthing obscenities she cantered out of our room and downstairs. Ruddy cat.

Day 6. Home alone with the Ninjas

home alongA late night for the girls would offer me a lay in this morning. I was giddy with excitement. A full 7 or even 8 hours sleep was before me. I skipped to bed. The first shriek came at 1.25am. A bad dream. At 5.30am Vivien announced she wanted to get up. I hissed no and tried to force her little eyes shut. I crept out, into my bed and closed my eyes. At 05.40am every ruddy body was up, wide awake and demanding milk. Misty my faithful yet crusty cat was kneading my belly and purring deeply. Ruby kicked of her pull up nappy and threw it at me! It missed and hit misty who then dug her claws so deeply into my belly I thought I would die! My reflexes were quick. Misty went flying through the air, her purr replaced with a terror screech so loud it made Vivien cry. Ruby then started to sob. I looked around this room of sobbing ninjas and thought thank ruddy fuck. Carolyn is home tomorrow. Only one day to go. The end.




menopauseI’m overcome with happiness. Today we are back at Trinity pool for swimming lessons. It’s a small pool, in a small room, with a temperature so high I sometimes feel quite faint. After consuming gallons of French last night along with my menopausal flushes and feelings of sudden urges to kill – I feel this morning could tip me over the edge.

Today I went Swimming


saturday swimming

A week has passed since my last swim. It was 8.30am and I felt good. The girls were downstairs having breakfast. Misty my faithful yet crusty cat was on my pillow, on her back, legs apart, snoring. I grabbed my speedo costume and skipped to the bathroom. The bright pink Peppa Pig, (horrendous piece of furniture) potty was kicked into the air and urine poured down upon my prehistoric toes. Fuck ruddy fuck I screamed as I kicked the potty again for good measure and proceeded to the bathroom. It seems I may have put on a pound or two as I pulled the costume up and over my belly, boobies and shoulders. Once on I stood like Jesus Christ on the cross. Arms and legs open wide. It was so darn tight around my ass I walked like john Wayne after a good rodgering! I dressed over my cossie, grabbed my bag and headed to LA Fitness. I planned to swim 40 lengths, have a long steam, a coffee and head back home relaxed.

I asked the young girl at reception if the pool was busy.  Her reply was thus:  “No, there is just one lane being used”.  I thanked her and crept into the changing room.  I surveyed the room before locating my locker.  I do this as  I still suffer nightmares from a particularly eventful day when I strolled into the changing room to be faced with an extrodinarily large naked lady bending over and giving me a bird’s eye view of her mighty chocolate starfish!  The whole episode of her cleaning her bits with a face flannel haunts me daily.

She was not there.  I undressed. Decided to put in my contact lenses. Grabbed my goggles and placed my green Lycra swimming hat upon my head.  I was ready to swim!

Fecking liar I hissed under my breath as I approached the one lane available.  Lane one was in use for private swimming lessons and lane three had two groups of small children screaming and shouting, splashing and pissing in the pool.  I adjusted my goggles and decided the middle lane was all mine.  I hummed brown girl in the ring and began my gentle breast stroke.

After 6 lengths I noticed the pool filling up with parents who had arrived to watch their children swim.  As more parents arrived I became more self-conscious being the only adult in the middle lane with my bright green Lycra swimming hat and baby blue goggles.  I prayed nobody would recognise me.  I gathered pace and started to do the crawl.  This was foolish as my mouth filled up with water I panicked and jumped up, breathing heavily.  The mothers looked my way as I tried to wipe away the snot hanging from my left nostril.  My goggles had fallen onto my mouth and I could hear somebody calling my name from the large group of parents at the end of the pool.  Ruddy Fuck!  I’ve been rumbled!

I ignored the call and continued my strokes.  The kids groups on my left were splashing and shouting.  I wanted to dive bomb the little buggers.  Little Henry was splashing so vigorously I thought he was fitting.  I slipped underwater and enjoyed the peace and quiet of underwater swimming, suddenly  I could hold my breath no further and shot up for air like a bat out of hell. As I came up I collided with a florid faced angry looking woman in a sparkly turban swimming hat.  She snorted.  I snarled.  We agreed to share the lane and continued our swim.

20 laps completed and more parents are standing around the pool.  My florid faced lady friend sharing my lane keeps hitting me when she passes.  Her style of swimming is similar to that of a drowning cat.  I find her very offensive and wish she would fuck off.

As I approach my 25 length I am thinking of ways I can stealth swim pass the florid faced woman and then bring up my fist from under the water, hit her on the chinny chin chin and knock her out.  But alas no – as I look up I see a further 3 women getting into the pool.

One of them women signals to me by pointing her finger at me and twirling it vigorously, meaning we would swim around the lane.  I gave her the thumbs up and wished she would also fuck off.

30 lengths and it’s like the M25.  I’m sick of this and decide to get out and have a steam.  As I hold in my stomach and tiptoe up the steps of the pool hoping nobody will notice me one of the parents grabs my arm.  Oh for fucks sake I hiss.

Small talk done I drag myself into the steam, take off my hat and googles and relax.  I can hear the kids splashing and screaming outside.  I can hear the parents cheering on their little Ashleys, and Henrys.  I can hear the 4 middle lane swimmers splashing as they crawl up and down and up and down.

As I breathe in the eucalyptus I am suddenly aware of how damn hot this steam room is.  My head is swimming and my skin has turned a pinkie red colour.  I stand up abruptly, grab my swimming hat and goggles and practically fall through the door landing on my knees in front of the parents.

Oh ruddy hell I whisper as I pick myself up and head back to the changing rooms to shower.

As I sit drinking my coffee and nibbling on my banana I find myself staring at the rather large lady opposite me.  She is so familiar.  Another bite of my banana and then it comes to me – she is the chocolate starfish woman!!  The one who haunts me.

I scoff my banana, give her a smile and leggit home.



My week:  Shitgate & Fuck Fuck Fuck

I was really looking forward to Friday 11th October.  Me old mate had hit 50 and a small gathering of us were having a dinner party to celebrate.  I was to bake a cake.

Wednesday 9th October – Mother arrived from France.  She came bearing gifts from the plane for the girls and a rather nice bottle of red for me wrapped in her knickers.  I peeled them off the bottle and guzzled greedily.  She was not amused.

Thursday 10th was baking day and Mother’s hospital appointment.  We wiped down her mobility frame and set forth to purchase chocolate for the cake and then onto the hospital for her appointment.  For each 10 steps I took on that long and weary walk, Mother had moved an inch.  The tedious journey to the traffic lights (100 yards from my home) took forever.  As we waited for the Red man to turn Green I decided to ask Mother to ‘Trot On’ as no cars were coming.  A little game I like to do is then, as we are in the middle of the road, announce a lorry is coming.  To which Mother is suddenly able to fling her mobility aid aside and gallop to the pavement.  She was not amused, and we carried on our long long walk into Henley.    We purchased the baking ingredients and walked home.  I had the boiler repair coming.  I needed to bake a cake.  And Mother had an appointment at the hospital.  A lot to do in little time.  As I melted the chocolate into the pan I could hear the clicking of Mother’s knitting needles.  After announcing she had given up knitting – she had decided to start again, and was busily knitting hats for the kids.  Bobble hats.  Pink and Green.  I said nothing.

The cake was baked.  Mother’s ticker was in good order.  The boiler was working.  All was good apart from the sink in the downstairs toilet.  For some strange reason the water was not going anywhere.  It seemed we had a blockage somewhere.  I poked a bit but to no avail.  I thought no more of it.   I had a snifter.  And another.  And one for luck.

Friday 11th
The sink was still blocked.  I secretly blamed Mother; she had probably thrown a tea bag down there or something.  I cursed under my breath as I unscrewed a pipe thing under the sink and was suddenly wading in soapy stinky water.  I ran the tap, it was still fecking blocked.  Ben & Holly was on full volume.  The kids were on a sugar high.  Carolyn was on a business call.   I still hadn’t done the icing on the cake. And somebody was at the front door.  It was Lou, my oldest mate.  We had arranged to go swimming.  Fuck Fuck Fuck.

We both had our black costumes under our clothes.  Lou’s was old, so old it was transparent.  She had somehow burnt it and the front was all shrivelled up.  Her mane of red hair sat upon her head, on top a bright red lycra bathing hat.

My costume was two sizes too small.  Sacks of fat flowed under my armpit, my belly and the tops of my legs.  I walked like John Wayne.  My camel hoof protruding.  My hair was also stacked on my head.  On top, a bright green lycra bathing hat. 

 Our Glasses were off.  We were as blind as bats as we hobbled over to the pool.  My heart leapt as Lou skidded and nearly dived head first into the shallow end.  I grabbed her arm and we helped each other walk into the pool, like a couple of aged grannies.  We swam and chatted, and then as we took in water, we coughed and spluttered and had to stop on occasions in case we drowned. 

At the house I was still fiddling with the ruddy sink.  The cake was finished.  Mother and Carolyn were upstairs bathing the girls.  I had 2 hours before party time. 

 It sounded like somebody had the runs. It was coming from the downstairs toilet.  I slowly walked towards the door and pulled it open.  The seat was violently tapping until suddenly it shot open and mountain of shit spewed out of the toilet covering the entire toilet area and into the children’s playroom.  It was never ending.

 I panicked.  I screamed my fecking head off – Carolyn came running down.  Shit and toilet paper was still coming out of the toilet.  The carpet was saturated.  The stench so vile I retched.  The cats shot thru their cat flaps into the garden.  I moved the cake.   Carolyn was screaming for me to call somebody.  Who?  Father Fucking Christmas?  We called our builder Jules.  God knows why.  He told us to call Dynorod. 

 Carolyn donned her Hunters and waded thru the sea of shit and saved the kids toys.  I poured a glass of wine.  Mother was still upstairs with the kids, unaware that downstairs had become a sea of faeces! 

 Wayne arrived 2 hours later.  He had never seen anything like it before and set about bring his rods thru the house.  He stuck them in the pipes.  This didn’t work.  He popped a camera into the pipes and announced we were fucked.  By this time I wanted to drop kick Wayne out of the friggin window.  I had screaming kids.  A screaming wife.  Unhappy cats.  A mother totally unaware of what is happening and a dinner to go to.  And a house stinking of shit.  I needed help.  NOW.

 Wayne unblocked the pipes.  As we argued whose fault it was, and both agreed it was the previous occupiers of the house, Wayne announced the pipes were blocked by BABY WIPES. 

 We looked away sheepishly and I rang Direct Line to arrange for a sanitizer to pop around the next day to clean up the playroom.

 As I tucked into my cheese and cake at Rachel’s dinner, relaying the story of shitgate, I momentarily felt very naughty for leaving Carolyn, the girls and Mother in that shit infested house while I guzzled my bubbly.  But then I didn’t and continued enjoying my evening.

 Tomorrow was another day.  A stinky one.






Swimming with the kids!

fat woman in costumeWe took the twins to their first swimming lesson at our local training pool in Henley. They are 3.  Our lesson commenced at 09.30am.  At 06.00am I was awoken.  The girls were very excited.  I was not.  I had purchased my new speedo costume from Next online.  It arrived.  I tried it on.  It was too small.  My armpit fat was overflowing.  My front bottom was protruding.  It felt uncomfortable and looked odd.   We packed the travel bag and off we went.  I pushed the double pram up the steep hill to the pool.  I cursed the skinny woman who jogged past me in her Lycra shorts.  Carolyn (my partner) grabbed the pram and helped push.  We arrived, as did half of the Henley parents.  I was hot & flustered and did not want to be here.  We walked in and found a corner to get undressed.  The girls had their brightly coloured Peppa Pig costumes.  I struggled to squeeze into my Speedo costume whilst Carolyn slipped into her size 10 bikini.  I cursed her.  I watched all the happy kiddies skip with excitement.  I ruddy hated this.  And to make it worse we had signed up the girls to 15 weeks, pre-paid!!  Suddenly it went quiet.  The kids had gone.  I grabbed our girls and rushed into the pool area.  I was shocked and embarrassed when to my utter amazement we realised we were the only parents in costumes!!  All parents were seated AROUND the pool to watch Tony teach.  Fuck!  I legged it out, dressed and cursed the world.

Toys R Us

Shopping and big girl pants
toys R US
Today the ‘family’ decided to partake in two of my 127 most upsetting family activities: Going to Reading and shopping. Today we were buying bikes. What friggin joy! After spending over 45 minutes ‘getting ready’ and putting the girls in their ‘big girl pants’ (we are potty training) we piled into the car and headed to Halfords. Picture this: Radio 4. Quietness from the back. A gentle breeze taps my face as I survey the beautiful countryside. And then as my nostrils twitch and slowly expand I catch the stench of shit that has travelled from the back. A pit stop. And we resume our journey. Oh Joy!

I walked into Halfords and decided I didn’t like it one bit. The long and deadly slow walk up the very large staircase to the bike section was a waste of time. Mr Gotmenobrain slowly put down his tyre and shuffled over to us. He smelt of rubber. I grabbed the girls and told them we were leaving. The screams they made as we dragged them down the stairs caused people to stare.

We would go to Toys R Us. As we entered Ruby decided to pee in her pants. We all rushed to the toilets and removed her soiled Peppa pig big girl pants. I stared hard in the mirror as the chaos around me grew louder. And then darted out. It stunk. I told Vivien if she needed the toilet to let us know. She was a big girl now who wore big girl pants. She nodded. We found the bikes. Result.

I took Vivien to pay whilst Carolyn took Ruby back to the toilet again. I watched Vivien play inside the awful primary coloured Wendy houses that I will never allow in my garden. I proudly watched her climb the bright yellow plastic slide and as she slid down mouthed Holy Fuck as I noticed the immense skid mark she left behind her. The smell was causing my mouth to resemble a cats ass. The embarrassment caused a hot flush. I flagged Carolyn and handed Vivien to her. We rushed her to the car. Opened the boot. Realised we had no wipes. Swore. Found some old ones. Closed boot and went home.

I friggin hate shopping, I hate potty training, I hate Reading, and 124 other things I will tell you about in time.

Vomit and Bumble Bees

being sick

My week to date.

Vivien has had the rotavirus. I have found the experience rather revolting in so many ways. But after a week you become immune to the stench. I then had a funny tummy and vomited for England. This morning I was awoken at 6am by Misty my faithful and crusty cat vomiting in our bedroom. At 06.45 Ruby came in to our bedroom and projectile vomited all over our bed. I felt a bit odd and rushed to the toilet, opened the window and perched upon my throne. Relief was replaced with horror when a queen Bee flew in and scared the Bejesus out of me. It’s 07.50. Help.

Shopping and big girl pants

toys R US
Today the ‘family’ decided to partake in two of my 127 most upsetting family activities: Going to Reading and shopping. Today we were buying bikes. What friggin joy! After spending over 45 minutes ‘getting ready’ and putting the girls in their ‘big girl pants’ (we are potty training) we piled into the car and headed to Halfords. Picture this: Radio 4. Quietness from the back. A gentle breeze taps my face as I survey the beautiful countryside. And then as my nostrils twitch and slowly expand I catch the stench of shit that has travelled from the back. A pit stop. And we resume our journey. Oh Joy!

I walked into Halfords and decided I didn’t like it one bit. The long and deadly slow walk up the very large staircase to the bike section was a waste of time. Mr Gotmenobrain slowly put down his tyre and shuffled over to us. He smelt of rubber. I grabbed the girls and told them we were leaving. The screams they made as we dragged them down the stairs caused people to stare.

We would go to Toys R Us. As we entered Ruby decided to pee in her pants. We all rushed to the toilets and removed her soiled Peppa pig big girl pants. I stared hard in the mirror as the chaos around me grew louder. And then darted out. It stunk. I told Vivien if she needed the toilet to let us know. She was a big girl now who wore big girl pants. She nodded. We found the bikes. Result.

I took Vivien to pay whilst Carolyn took Ruby back to the toilet again. I watched Vivien play inside the awful primary coloured Wendy houses that I will never allow in my garden. I proudly watched her climb the bright yellow plastic slide and as she slid down mouthed Holy Fuck as I noticed the immense skid mark she left behind her. The smell was causing my mouth to resemble a cats ass. The embarrassment caused a hot flush. I flagged Carolyn and handed Vivien to her. We rushed her to the car. Opened the boot. Realised we had no wipes. Swore. Found some old ones. Closed boot and went home.

I friggin hate shopping, I hate potty training, I hate Reading, and 124 other things I will tell you about in time.