The Party

the party

Mum arrived at the bar at 6pm. Kate, Serge (her husband) and the kids met her and wished her Happy Birthday. I had spoken to her a week earlier explaining that we would call her when she arrived at the Bar, little did she know we would be outside in the car park when we made the call. At 6.15pm I called her to wish her a very Happy Birthday. She was delighted I called, but then I told her Vivien was sick and put the phone down on her. As we did that, we all got out of the car and walked into the bar just as Mother was furiously explaining to Kate that I had put the phone down on her. And on her Birthday as well!! We all walked in and sang Happy Birthday – she was gobsmacked!! She stood up to welcome us, tears in her eyes. The twins were quite scared at this moment and clung to my leg. Jolyon had said a quick hello to Mum and gone to the bar. And then to Mum’s shock our other brother Jesse who we very rarely see walked in and at this time we thought Mother may have another heart attack, or fall off her crutch. Thankfully she remained on her good leg to greet him. We drank and laughed in the bar before eating in the restaurant. By this time Ruby had gone a strange colour. As we sat down at the long table Ruby decided to vomit on Carolyn, me and the table, just missing my prawn cocktail. Carolyn also began to feel very sick again and announced she was heading home with the kids. I felt I should stay at the party to help make the B52s and also sample the delightful red wines on offer. It was a lovely evening. Mother was made up and over the moon to be staying in the Bridal Suite at the hotel.

At midnight we watched Mum and her crutch stagger to the Hotel . I don’t recall how I got home but I do remember it being a fantastic evening.

As I pulled away from the toilet and wiped my mouth I remembered that we were meeting Mum for breakfast at 9am and then driving to her house for 2 days. I couldn’t wait. And then I threw up again.

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