Bonjour! We have arrived


We had arrived at my sister’s restaurant all in one piece, apart from the car. We all stumbled out and gathered our belongings. By the time we had reached the bar Jolyon was ordering his second Bordeaux Superior (Grand). Relief and happiness soon turned into dismay (the car was fucked, we were 450 Euros down and we needed to get it fixed again so we could drive on to Mothers after the surprise party). The plan was to stay with her for a few days and then drive back to Bordeaux to catch the flight home. The twins had now reached an alarmingly high temperature and were refusing all food. Carolyn was the same. My head was pounding and Jolyon had coughed again. But my sister Kate was delighted we had made it and fetched us food and drink before we all headed to her home for a good kip. On route to Kate’s we picked up our Niece and Nephew (Hannah and Thomas) from school much to Jolyons annoyance. He didn’t want to see any more children that day and refused to speak to any of them. Jolyon then descended into a man strop for the journey home and didn’t speak to any of us. Was our plan to give our Mother the ‘Mother’ of all heart attacks going to work? Would the Miller family be united in France for her 70th? Would Carolyn stop throwing up? Would Ruby & Vivien feel better? Was I coming down with something as well? Mother’s surprise Party was tomorrow evening and she had no idea we were in France. Gawd Bless Her. I sucked hard on my mint and prayed!


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